PMP Certification - Fast-Track Accelerated Training
Take PMP EXAM based on PMBOK Guide 4th Edition
July 17  - July 31 -- Weekends (8am - 6pm)

Fee: $1
075 (includes proprietary graphical layout, key exam busting reading material & practice 
questions. Register today by mailing info@mtiedge.com.

Audience: Project, program, business, and IT managers looking to certify their project 
management experience and knowledge.

Prerequisites: The fundamental objective of the course is to prepare students for the PMP® 
examination. PMI membership is recommended because it allows you subscription to their 
monthly magazine, free download of PM BOOK guide and substantial discount in exam 
registration fee - the discount pays for the annual membership fee and additional savings. For 
more information visit www.pmi.org.  All we ask from you is a 100% commitment to the training 